The Chronic Pain Breakup Method 


Hannah Beat Her Back Pain & Sciatica

"You can't even put into words when you're able to do the thing that you love again. The other day I realized I felt 'normal'. It has been really exciting, feeling like you're finding yourself again."



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"I have healed in the most realistic way possible.

I no longer live in pain.

I do not fear what will happen next.

I am fully in charge of my life.

And my body and I have a great understanding."


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"This program was one of the best investments I have ever made for my health. Before working with Alissa I felt helpless. I had tried so many things and nothing actually gave me tools to help manage my pain.  Alissa helped reduce this toxic cycle for me. My anxiety surrounding the pain has reduced dramatically because i now have an understanding of how pain works."


Anke Overcame CRPS

"Starting with the program gave me a new pathway and it also gave me the feeling of it's not the end. It was amazing to find that there were suddenly thing that you could do."


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"Symptoms have mostly improved and continue to improve. I am less afraid to try activities. The drills help me feel better. Pushing to it and not through it has helped. I have more control and I have tools to help me."


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"Overall pain has decreased which has made it easier to relax. With the decrease in pain, I am able to focus more, I have more energy, and I don't have the black cloud over my head. I don't have much anxiety when it comes to pain. I now have more of an understanding how pain works and have tools to continue to improve."

Chanda Transformed her Widespread Pain & Migraines

"It makes me feel like a human again. Being able to use your body to exist in the world, there is no bigger gift than that. I don’t care what it costs, there is no bigger gift."



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"I am beyond grateful for this course. You have given me my life back, hope to keep going, and I know it will only get better with time. This program right from the start was such a blessing, and miracles happen in such unexpected ways, that going through it was completely what I needed. I received way more than a pain management course. This program has taken my expectations of what a pain course should be and had blown them away. It has changed my life in so many ways for the better."


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"When I started, I felt utter despair. I now have hope. I’m excited that I have tools, drills, exercises, and knowledge that will help me live life! I gained hope, confidence & many skills and knowledge."


Breanna Restored Her Quality Of Life With Fibro

"I think this program literally saved my life. I became more hopeful and less afraid. I now have something I can do to help manage, prevent flares, and lessen daily pain."


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"I have more hope and knowledge about the future and my body. Alissa's program has taken my level of hope to a whole different level. Things that once seemed impossible are now possible. I highly recommend this program"


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"My mindset changed from feeling despair, doomed, hopeless, defeated to one filled with hope, faith, gratitude, love, excitement, and a brighter future. I've brought myself out of isolation and am planning coffee/meal dates with my friends. I am so very grateful for this program as my life has considerably changed in a positive direction since joining this program. I truly can't wait to see more positive changes including less and less pain/flares as I continue to implement this program and incorporate it as part of my healthy lifestyle. "

Deanna Tamed Her Back & Leg Pain

"It’s made a huge impact in my life. I’m happy again & I'm not constantly miserable because I'm in pain.


Emily Got In Control Of Her Migraines

"My nervous system is becoming less sensitive"

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Join Our Wall Of Wins 🎉

Schedule your FREE Pain Care Call and discover how treating your overactive pain pathways can help you get your life back.